On Sunday, November 1st I had the privilege of preaching at Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio for Pastor Jobe Beechler. Bro. Jobe had been the church's associate pastor for a few years and then became the church's pastor this past spring after Bro. Jimmy Hood stepped down for health reasons. I was very thankful for the opportunity to visit with Bro. Hood at his son's home before the service for a few minutes. It was a blessing just to see this great man of God. We had a very good service that night at Amazing Grace and the Lord really gave good liberty to preach and a full altar.
TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH - Tioga, Pennsylvania...
After a few days off at the beginning of November we headed to Tioga, Pennsylvania - a small town about an hour south of Corning, New York. This was our first time being at this church. Pastor Steven Neff contacted me back in September about preaching their fall revival. This was really a tremendous REVIVAL meeting. There was such a good spirit in the services and the response to the preached Word of God was amazing. On Sunday evening after the service while on the way a home, a teen boy trusted Christ! Again on Monday evening after the service a teen girl trusted Christ. Then on Wednesday evening during the invitation the pastor's daughter along with one of the teen young ladies trusted Christ. I personally spoke with each one of these individuals afterwards asking them if they knew they were saved and each one said yes. When I asked them how they knew they were saved, they said that they had trusted the Lord - AMEN!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!!! The Gospel was clearly preached several times in the services and there was no doubt Christ was calling on sinners to get saved. We enjoyed some great fellowship during the week with the preacher, his family and some of the church folks. The Lord truly blessed with a great meeting!
What a blessing when we can park the bus at the church! |
Tabernacle Baptist Church - Tioga, Pennsylvania |
Tabernacle Baptist Church - Tioga, Pennsylvania |
The beautiful Tioga Valley in north central Pennsylvania. Tabernacle Baptist Church is in the center of the picture (enlarged in the next photo below) |
Tabernacle Baptist Church in the Tioga Valley of Pennsylvania |
Good congregational singing during the week |
Pastor Steve Neff - Tabernacle Baptist Church - Tioga, Pennsylvania |
Lots of good special music during the meeting |
LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH - Miamisburg, Ohio...
We had to be in the Dayton area for some personal business during the third week of the month. I contacted Pastor Tom Gresham and asked if we could park at the church during our time in town and he graciously said yes. A couple of weeks before we arrived he asked me if I would preach on the Sunday and Wednesday we would be there. I very much appreciate and and am grateful for every opportunity to preach. It was good to see the Liberty crowd again and are looking forward to being back at the camp meeting next July.
We left Dayton on November 19th and headed home to Franklin, Indiana and I have preached a few times at our church since getting back. As of this morning, the bus is totally unpacked and ready to go into storage tomorrow for the winter. We will still be busy over the winter with meetings and different things, but we will not be traveling in the bus again until April.
My pastor - Kent Kirchmeyer and me |
The bus is ready to go to the barn for winter storage |
One of Jack's favorite views while traveling in the bus! This was our last ride for 2015 |