Monday, December 18, 2017
Monday, July 31, 2017
We have updated our schedule page to reflect a couple of additions to our schedule coming up over the next week. You can CLICK HERE to see the list. Thank you as always for your prayers!
Monday, July 10, 2017
This is our updated and current schedule as of now. If this changes we will post any notifications. Thank you very much to all who pray for us in our travels! We appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Liberty Baptist Church
Moraine, Ohio
Pastor Tom Gresham
Amazing Grace Baptist Church
Columbus, Ohio
Pastor Jobe Beechler
Faith Baptist Church
Springville, New York
Pastor Kevin Friedman
New Life Baptist Church
Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Pastor David Ireland
Bible Baptist Church
Orono, Maine
Pastor Artie Dean
Shady Acres Baptist Church
Houston, Texas
Pastor Danny Farley
Old Time Baptist Church
Hamburg, New York
Pastor Lou Guadagno
Center Road Baptist Church
West Seneca, New York
Pastor Ed Darling
Lighthouse Baptist Church
Concord, California
Pastor James Cook
Central Baptist Church
Lanett, Alabama
Pastor Jeff Thorn
Buck Settlement Baptist Church
Bath, New York
Pastor Greg Ferguson
Liberty Baptist Church
Moraine, Ohio
Pastor Tom Gresham
Amazing Grace Baptist Church
Columbus, Ohio
Pastor Jobe Beechler
Faith Baptist Church
Springville, New York
Pastor Kevin Friedman
New Life Baptist Church
Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Pastor David Ireland
Bible Baptist Church
Orono, Maine
Pastor Artie Dean
Shady Acres Baptist Church
Houston, Texas
Pastor Danny Farley
Old Time Baptist Church
Hamburg, New York
Pastor Lou Guadagno
Center Road Baptist Church
West Seneca, New York
Pastor Ed Darling
Lighthouse Baptist Church
Concord, California
Pastor James Cook
Central Baptist Church
Lanett, Alabama
Pastor Jeff Thorn
Buck Settlement Baptist Church
Bath, New York
Pastor Greg Ferguson
*Updated July 7, 2017
Friday, July 7, 2017
It is good to be on the road in the bus! What makes it such a blessing is that means Stacie, Jack and Jase are with me. We left home in Indiana the Friday before Memorial Day and headed to Holland, New York where I preached at Hunters Creek Bible Baptist Church (Pastor Willie O'Dell). It worked out good on the timing because God answered a big prayer by finding my mother a new location to live. We were able to get her moved in a couple of days to a far better place than she was at.
After the moving was all done we headed north to be at Lighthouse Baptist Church in North Tonawanda (Pastor Dave Costantino). The Lord allowed me to preach in all three services and I believe we had a good day in church and definitely enjoyed the fellowship with these good folks. The following Wednesday I preached for my good friend Jim Donath at Evangelical Baptist Church in Buffalo. It was good to see Bro. Donath and his wife again.
We also stopped in to visit at Old Time Baptist Church in Hamburg and enjoyed catching up with the old home crowd! I wasn't able to talk to everybody but it was a blessing to be in the service.
Starting on Father's Day, as we have every year since we have been on the road, we were at Cornerstone Bible Baptist Church in Sanborn (located ten miles east of Niagara Falls). Pastor Jack Britt and I go back probably more than 25 years and we always have a great time during this meeting.
For some reason some of the pictures from New York have vanished into a cyber trash can somewhere and so I am missing pics of our first three stops (insert sad face icon here). Below are some pics from the meeting at Cornerstone. I am planning to post a picture gallery later. At the end of June we headed to Ohio and that update will be coming shortly.
After the moving was all done we headed north to be at Lighthouse Baptist Church in North Tonawanda (Pastor Dave Costantino). The Lord allowed me to preach in all three services and I believe we had a good day in church and definitely enjoyed the fellowship with these good folks. The following Wednesday I preached for my good friend Jim Donath at Evangelical Baptist Church in Buffalo. It was good to see Bro. Donath and his wife again.
We also stopped in to visit at Old Time Baptist Church in Hamburg and enjoyed catching up with the old home crowd! I wasn't able to talk to everybody but it was a blessing to be in the service.
Starting on Father's Day, as we have every year since we have been on the road, we were at Cornerstone Bible Baptist Church in Sanborn (located ten miles east of Niagara Falls). Pastor Jack Britt and I go back probably more than 25 years and we always have a great time during this meeting.
For some reason some of the pictures from New York have vanished into a cyber trash can somewhere and so I am missing pics of our first three stops (insert sad face icon here). Below are some pics from the meeting at Cornerstone. I am planning to post a picture gallery later. At the end of June we headed to Ohio and that update will be coming shortly.
Great congregational singing! |
Special music by Pastor Jim Donath and a group from Evangelical Baptist Church in Buffalo |
The Seminole String Band - Bro. Mick Norton and his family |
The "makeshift" tabernacle for the week |
Evangelist Dan Martin preaching |
Friday, May 26, 2017
MAY thru AUGUST 2017 Schedule
First Bible Baptist Church
Quispamsis, New Brunswick
Pastor Bob Conrad
Blessed Hope Baptist Church
Aberdeen, Maryland
Pastor Brad Hanks
17, 21, 24...
First Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Franklin, Indiana
Pastor Kent Kirchmeyer
17, 21, 24...
First Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Franklin, Indiana
Pastor Kent Kirchmeyer
Hunters Creek Baptist Church
Holland, New York
Pastor Willie O'Dell
Lighthouse Baptist Church
North Tonawanda, New York
Pastor David Costantino
Cornerstone Bible Baptist Church
Sanborn, New York
Pastor Jack Britt
Liberty Baptist Church
Moraine, Ohio
Pastor Tom Gresham
Amazing Grace Baptist Church
Columbus, Ohio
Pastor Jobe Beechler
New Life Baptist Church
Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Pastor David Ireland
Bible Baptist Church
Orono, Maine
Pastor Artie Dean
Shady Acres Baptist Church
Houston, Texas
Pastor Danny Farley
Old Time Baptist Church
Hamburg, New York
Pastor Lou Guadagno
Liberty Baptist Church
Moraine, Ohio
Pastor Tom Gresham
Amazing Grace Baptist Church
Columbus, Ohio
Pastor Jobe Beechler
New Life Baptist Church
Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Pastor David Ireland
Bible Baptist Church
Orono, Maine
Pastor Artie Dean
Shady Acres Baptist Church
Houston, Texas
Pastor Danny Farley
Old Time Baptist Church
Hamburg, New York
Pastor Lou Guadagno
*Updated May 23, 2017
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
May 2017 Prayer Letter
May, 2017
Dear Friends,
Greetings in the Master’s Holy Name! I want to bring you all up to speed on what is going on with the Cobb’s. As always we sincerely thank each and every one of you that prays for us. We never take this lightly and are humbled that anyone would take the time to lift us up in prayer, no matter how often or intense it may be.
Since our last letter the Lord has kept me very busy and I am eternally grateful. The meeting in Germany was unbelievable and it was a blessing to be able to go. I am making plans to go back in 2018. I have been to Maine, New Brunswick, Maryland and to Nova Scotia (twice) as well as preach several times at our home church here in Indiana. The Lord has really given us some good meetings—and I don’t say that “evangelistically speaking” or mean it to be just something that sounds good in a prayer letter. God really helped some people and churches in big ways and we also saw a few souls trust Christ. God is good!
The last few days have been very busy getting the bus ready to hit the road. At the writing of this letter, we will be leaving in two days to our next meetings which will be in New York. I am excited that for the next five months Stacie and I will be together. I will still have the occasional meeting to fly to, but for the most part we will be together.
Our schedule thru the summer will take us to New York for a month, Ohio for a couple weeks, Maine for three weeks, Texas and then back to New York. For more detailed dates and locations you can check out our website at If you would like—you can sign up on the website to receive email updates when we post something.
I also want to thank you all for praying for my pastor—Kent Kirchmeyer—and his recovery from major back surgery. He is doing well but has many months of adjusting ahead of him. I appreciate people who have asked how he is doing.
May God bless you all as you continue to serve the King!
In His service,
Craig A. Cobb
Isaiah 61:1
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Below you will find our updated schedule thru June. I am thankful that the Lord has filled a couple of spots on the schedule while I am up in Maine. There are still a couple open and we will see what the Lord will do.
We greatly appreciate all of you who pray for us. We sure do need to be praying for each other!
Second Baptist Church
Palermo, Maine
Pastor Joshua Barnes
New Life Baptist Church
Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Pastor David Ireland
Sebec Corner Baptist Church
Sebec, Maine
Pastor Isaiah Hill
Bible Believers Baptist Church
Digby, Nova Scotia
Pastor Mark Thren
First Bible Baptist Church
Quispamsis, New Brunswick
Pastor Bob Conrad
Blessed Hope Baptist Church
Aberdeen, Maryland
Pastor Brad Hanks
Hunters Creek Baptist Church
Holland, New York
Pastor Willie O'Dell
Lighthouse Baptist Church
North Tonawanda, New York
Pastor David Costantino
Cornerstone Bible Baptist Church
Sanborn, New York
Pastor Jack Britt
*Updated March 30, 2017
Friday, March 3, 2017
March - May 2017 Schedule
First Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Franklin, Indiana
Pastor Kent Kirchmeyer
East Side Baptist Church
Terre Haute, Indiana
Pastor John Thompson
Bible Believers Baptist Church
Digby, Nova Scotia
Pastor Mark Thren
Blessed Hope Baptist Church
Bridegewater, Nova Scotia
Pastor Percy Lake
Blessed Hope Baptist Church
Bridegewater, Nova Scotia
Pastor Percy Lake
Victory Baptist Church
Kemptville, Nova Scotia
Pastor Joey Ring
New Life Baptist Church
Dover Foxcroft, Maine
Pastor David Ireland
Bible Believers Baptist Church
Digby, Nova Scotia
Pastor Mark Thren
First Bible Baptist Church
Quispamsis, New Brunswick
Pastor Bob Conrad
Blessed Hope Baptist Church
Aberdeen, Maryland
Pastor Brad Hanks
Hunters Creek Baptist Church
Holland, New York
Pastor Willie O'Dell
*Updated March 2, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Janaury 2017 prayer letter
February, 2017
Dear Friends,
Philippians 1:3-5 says, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now…” These verses are dear to us when it comes to thinking of the YOU—the precious saints that we have had the privilege to get to meet and know in the churches the Lord has allowed us to minister. Stacie and I are very grateful for the friendships God has allowed us to make. We also want to thank all of you who pray for this ministry the Lord has given us and do not take those prayers for granted. We have some very specific things we are praying about this year and would ask you to join us. God knows the details and as with everything we are trusting Him.
The last quarter of 2016 found us in Alabama, New York twice, Ohio and Michigan. January isn't even over and already we have been to Florida, Texas and Louisiana. I leave again this Friday and head back to Texas and from there visit churches in Mississippi & Louisiana and then to Florida for the next meeting. The Lord has been very good to us as always and are grateful for the opportunity to serve Him.
We are both doing well and are thankful for good health. And “the boys” (Jack and Jase) are doing good and are spoiled more than ever. They make great companions and especially for Stacie for those trips when it is just me traveling.
I am very excited to share with you a big answer to prayer! We mentioned in a past letter about the opportunity to possibly go to Germany in February. This past Saturday the Lord provided and my ticket was booked! To God be the glory!!! This will be my first trip to Europe and I am very excited to go to Dresden and be a part of the meeting that veteran missionary Rick Weimer is hosting.
We look forward to seeing many of you in our travels this year. What a blessing it is to see the family! Our travels these next couple of months will take us to...Florida, New York, Germany and Nova Scotia. It is an honor to serve the Lord.
In His service,
Craig A. Cobb
Isaiah 61:1
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