Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 2017 Prayer Letter

May, 2017

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the Master’s Holy Name!  I want to bring you all up to speed on what is going on with the Cobb’s.  As always we sincerely thank each and every one of you that prays for us.  We never take this lightly and are humbled that anyone would take the time to lift us up in prayer, no matter how often or intense it may be.

Since our last letter the Lord has kept me very busy and I am eternally grateful.  The meeting in Germany was unbelievable and it was a blessing to be able to go.  I am making plans to go back in 2018.  I have been to Maine, New Brunswick, Maryland and to  Nova Scotia (twice) as well as preach several times at our home church here in Indiana.  The Lord has really given us some good meetings—and I don’t say that “evangelistically speaking” or mean it to be just something that sounds good in a prayer letter.  God really helped some people and churches in big ways and we also saw a few souls trust Christ.  God is good! 

The last few days have been very busy getting the bus ready to hit the road.  At the writing of this letter, we will be leaving in two days to our next meetings which will be in New York.  I am excited that for the next five months Stacie and I will be together.  I will still have the occasional meeting to fly to, but for the most part we will be together. 

Our schedule thru the summer will take us to New York for a month, Ohio for a couple weeks, Maine for three weeks, Texas and then back to New York.  For more detailed dates and locations you can check out our website at www.EvangelistCraigCobb.com.  If you would like—you can sign up on the website to receive email updates when we post something.

I also want to thank you all for praying for my pastor—Kent Kirchmeyer—and his recovery from major back surgery.  He is doing well but has many months of adjusting ahead of him.  I appreciate people who have asked how he is doing.

May God bless you all as you continue to serve the King!

In His service,

Craig A. Cobb
Isaiah 61:1

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