Wednesday, December 18, 2013


It was our privilege to be at Bible Believer's Baptist Church in Digby, Nova Scotia for the first time back in November.  I first met Pastor Mark Thren when he was a teenager when he and his family came to sing at Old Time Baptist Church.  After not seeing him since then up until this past April when we were at another church in Nova Scotia, it was good to get reacquainted with him.  It was back in April that he invited me to preach his annual Bible conference.  He is now married and has eight children.

I preached to the church on Sunday and then every night Monday thru Friday during the Conference.  The theme for the week was the "Armor of God" and each of the preachers were assigned a specific portion of the armor to preach on.  On Friday we had an all-day preachers fellowship with many of the church members and area pastors attending.

One special treat for me was I got to preach (not once, but twice) with one of my heroes - Pastor Percy Lake, also from up there in Nova Scotia.  Many of you may know him and are aware of the terrible accident he had back in September of 2012 when he fell off a roof.  He is still recovering and has made great progress.

The meeting went well and many local pastors came out each night to support the meeting.  I also got to meet a few preachers that I have heard about for many years but have never met before.  It is always a blessing to see churches support other church's meetings.  Bro. Thren has been here for four years and is doing a great job in the Bay of Fundy coastal town there in Digby.  Nova Scotia is a very beautiful province of Canada and there are several good churches up there doing a good work for the Lord.

Nova Scotia is in Canada's southeast corner

Bible Believer's Believer's Baptist Church - Digby, Nova Scotia

Beautiful scenery all around Nova Scotia

Pastor Percy Lake and Evangelist Craig Cobb (don't get mad at me - the pose was Bro. Lake's idea!)

Pastor Mark Thren and Evangelist Craig Cobb

Bible Believer's Baptist Church - Digby, Nova Scotia

It made more sense to fly than to drive the 4,000-mile round trip!

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